Barber Scissors
Barber Scissors
Barber Thinning Scisssor
Barr Anal Retractor
Barr Anal Retractor
self-retaining, blades 2-3/4" deep x 7/8" wide (7.0 cm x 2.2 cm), 8" (20.3 cm)
Barr Anal Retractor is designed with self-retaining blades that can be inserted into the anus and opened up to 3" for surgical procedures in the lower rectum or anus. The perpendicular ring handles allow for greater control and precise widening of the blades.
Barr Fistula Probe
Barraquer Cilia Forceps
angled, smooth jaws, 10.0 mm tying platform, 3-1/8" (8.0 cm)?Barraquer Cilia Forceps are an ideal tool for ophthalmologic procedures involving the eyelid. The forceps feature slightly curved jaws with smooth tips to provide a good grasp of the cilia for blepharoplasty or management of blepharitis marginalis. The flat serrated handle gives the surgeon increased control and maneuverability.
Barraquer Cyclodialysis Spatula
4-3/4" (12.0 cm)?Barraquer Cyclodialysis Spatula is a commonly used tool in the treatment of glaucoma. The spatula is used in the procedure to dissociate the ciliary body from the sclera. Further, the tool may be used to enlarge an incision from a sclerectomy if desired. The spatula features an angled tip for easier manipulation while minimizing surgical obstruction. Two sizes are available with the spatula depending on surgical preference.
Barraquer Eye Speculum
open wire blades?Barraquer Eye Speculum is a commonly used tool in visualizing the ophthalmologic surgical field. The speculum features solid blades for more efficient spreading without chance of tissue obstruction. The variable compression of the spring allows the surgeon to adjust the degree of spreading. Both child and adult sizes are available depending on surgical need.
Barraquer Iris Scissors
delicate blunt blades, 2-1/8" (5.5 cm)?Barraquer Iris Scissors are a specialized tool for ophthalmologic operations of the Iris. The unique offset handle minimizes surgical obstruction while entering the anterior chamber to access the iris. The scissors feature delicate blades specialized for handling iris tissue. Two blade sizes are available for the scissors depending on surgical preference.