Desjardins Gall Stone Scoops
Desjardins Gall Stone Scoops
flexible shafts, 11-3/4" (30.0 cm)
Desjardins Gall Stone Scoops allows for easy probing and removal of gall stones in tubular ducts. The scoops feature a flexible shaft with a cylindrical handle and a scoop at the distal end. The scoops are available in various scoop sizes to accommodate a wide range of cases.
Dittel Urethral Sound
Dittel Urethral Sound
straight, 11-1/2" (29.2 cm)
Dittel Urethral Sound is a probe designed with a straight tapered tip for treatment of stenosis of the urethra. The tapered end allows for easy insertion into and dilation of the urethra. The sounds are available in various diameters to accommodate a wide range of cases.
Fansler Operating Speculum
Fansler Operating Speculum
slotted tube, 1-3/8" (3.5 cm) diameter, 2-3/8" long (6.0 cm)
Fansler Operating Speculum features a slotted tube for insert into the anus for examination of the anal canal. The instrument is designed to investigate for conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc. lining the anal canal.
Female Catheter
Female Urethral Sound
Ferguson Gall Stone Scoops
Fistula Probe
Fistula Probe
crypt hooks, 8-1/4" (21.0 cm)
Pratt Fistula Probe features a crypt hook at its end to aid in the investigation of the lower rectum and anus. The hooks can be used for removal of O-rings from hemorrhoid ligation procedure. The probes are available in various size hooks to accommodate a wide range of cases.
Gil-Vernet Renal Sinus Retractor
Grasping Forceps
Grasping Forceps
angled shank, specially designed for use w/ mcgivney ligator (#5093-65), 7-1/2" (19.1 cm)
McGivney Hemorrhoid Grasping Forceps is used in conjunction with the McGivney Hemorrhoidal Ligator to assist in treatment of hemorrhoids in the rectum. The forceps are designed to clasp the hemorrhoids with a scissor mechanism and ring-size handles for control and accuracy. The shank is angled for easier navigation into the rectum.
Harris Suture Carrying Forceps
Harris Suture Carrying Forceps
angled to side, 9-1/2" (24.0 cm)
Harris Suture Carrying Forceps feature ring handles and pronged ends angled to the side to aid in suturing of prostatectomy procedures. The angled end allows for easier maneuvering and accuracy with the suturing. Available in premium grade German stainless steel.
Hemorrhoidal Ligator
Hemorrhoidal Ligator
w/ offset handle, supplied w/ large loading cone, 7" (17.8 cm)
McGivney Hemorrhoidal Ligator is used in conjunction with the McGivney Hemorrhoid Grasping Forceps to ligate a hemorrhoid with an O-ring. The ligator features an offset handle for easier navigation and use within the rectum. The loading cone is inserted into the ligating drum of the ligator for placement of the O-ring around the neck of the hemorrhoid.
Hill-Ferguson Rectal Retractor
Hill-Ferguson Rectal Retractor
Hill-Ferguson Rectal Retractor is used in rectal surgery to widen the opening to the anus and increase access to the lower rectum. The retractor features a curved blade at one end and a wider, cylindrical handle at the other. The retractor is available in various blade sizes to accommodate a wide range of cases.